InsightTSA Webinar – Sharma vs The Minister for the Environment

Topic: Sharma vs. The Minister for the Environment
What will it mean for us all?
The Federal Court case of Sharma has been heralded as a milestone judgment. Commenced by eight children (with a nun as their litigation guardian) trying to stop the approval of Whitehaven Coal’s Vickery Extension Project, the Court found that the Federal Minister for the Environment owes Australian children a duty to care to avoid causing harm when deciding whether to approve this project.
This decision has potentially broad ramifications, not only for future projects with significant climate change impacts, but also for government decision-making. We will explore how this decision may impact us all.
While this decision has been widely celebrated by those anxious for climate change action, should we be happy with unelected judges stepping in on such important issues ahead of our elected representatives?
About the speaker.
Rebekha is a Partner in the dispute resolution group at international law firm King & Wood Mallesons, where she specialises in running litigation involving challenges to government decisions and advising about complicated regulatory regimes.
She frequently represents the Commonwealth Government in sensitive and high value disputes.
Rebekha was recognised as the 2018 ACT Woman Lawyer of the Year – Private Practice.
Rebekha has also served on the Board of Toora Woman as well as previously acted as King & Wood Mallesons in the Community Canberra coordinator for many years.