InsightTSA and David Skilling – How do we seize the moment?

How can innovation, population and the environment be the keys to ensuring a strong recovery?
We are held a webinar, with TSA Director Andrew Tompson in discussion with global economist David Skilling. You can watch this in the video above.
Australia and New Zealand are lagging most other advanced economies in terms of re-opening; until recently domestic restrictions have been maintained to respond to delta, and restrictions have been lifted in countries with high vaccination rates. However, borders have remained closed. So the initial economic advantage held by Australia and New Zealand, due to their domestic freedoms, is likely to erode over time as other economies open up ahead of Australia and New Zealand.
Dr David Skilling is the Founding Director of Landfall Strategy Group. David advises governments, firms, and financial institutions in the Asia-Pacific, the Middle East, and Europe on the impact of global economic and politics, with a particular focus on small advanced economies.
David served as Senior Advisor to the Secretary of Foreign Affairs and Trade in New Zealand (2011-2015), providing insight on emerging global economic and political developments.
Before joining McKinsey, David was the founding Chief Executive of the New Zealand Institute, a privately-funded, non-partisan economic think-tank