InsightTSA Advisory – Providing Expert Advice to our Clients

This month saw our Advisory arm grow by 110, following the acquisition of the Capital Projects Advisory team from Advisian. This has now grown TSA into a 520 person APAC Project Consulting business offering our clients access to a rare combination of independent, global, advisory and project expertise.
In New Zealand, our Advisory team works with a wide range of government agencies and private clients, primarily in the infrastructure sector drawing on strategic, technical, commercial and delivery expertise. Examples of current and recent projects include:
- Let’s Get Wellington Moving for Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency. Provided advice on the transport modelling process early in business case development. Currently assisting the PMO and advising in various disciplines including scheduling, approvals, programme integration, and developing management plans.
- Sponsors Assurance for City Rail Link. Providing ongoing assurance advice to the CRL’s joint Sponsors and funders (the Crown (the Ministry of Transport and Treasury) and Auckland Council on the project’s progress. This includes working with City Rail Link Limited (the delivery SPV) and the Delivery Partners – Auckland Transport and KiwiRail). The team has undertaken reviews and providing assurance advice covering topics from contract compliance, cost, schedule and risk to suitability of processes and systems.
- Strategic Asset Management Support for Transpower. Providing modelling, analysis and reporting services on asset investment priorities; including cost-benefit analysis, economic modelling, strategic asset management, regulatory and policy support.
- Infrastructure Pipeline for Te Waihanga, NZ Infrastructure Commission. Engaged by both NZ Treasury and Te Waihanga, NZ Infrastructure Commission to develop the New Zealand Infrastructure Pipeline, which acts as a shop front for the market, displaying upcoming infrastructure projects from across New Zealand.
- Contract Negotiation for Transfer of Western Porirua Public Housing Portfolio for Treasury. Acted as lead on behalf of the Crown and its various agencies to design, progress and agree commercial arrangements for a bi-lateral Māori-Crown partnership for housing the transfer of Kāinga Ora’s Western Porirua portfolio to Ngāti Toa’s newly established Community Housing Provider Te Āhuru Mōwai. Following the completion of the commercial arrangements, the team was engaged as the Transition Interface Manager on behalf of Kāinga Ora to lead the transition of the property and tenancy management responsibilities. The team provided structure and strategic oversight across the transition period to help ensure parties could meet their contractual obligations on time and ultimately deliver great outcomes for the tenants and wider Western Porirua community.
- Waitohi Ferry Precinct Market Engagement and Advisory for KiwiRail. Delivered market facing Information Memorandum detailing the proposed Precinct opportunity to the market. Also delivered supplier briefings on the proposed opportunity informing registered participants of scope, scale and anticipated requirements. Invited registered parties and consortia to attend one-on-one site visits to explore the Terminal infrastructure development opportunity prior to procurement.
For information on how our Advisory experts can support your project, please contact Karen Mitchell by email or phone 04 472 7081.