ProjectTunnelling Expert Services

Our quantum experts have project consulting experience for asset management, claims and commercial management, quantity surveying, and commercial management on the following New South Wales infrastructure projects involving tunnelling.
Snowy Hydro 2.0, New South Wales, Australia
Snowy 2.0 expands on the Snowy Mountains Scheme constructed in the 20th century to provide 21st century dispatchable and deep storage energy by connecting two dam storages through a 2.2 GW underground power station cavern and around 27 km of tunnels.
TSA Riley Quantum Expert advisors were instructed to review and audit claims advanced by the JV EPC Contractor constructing the largest renewable energy project in Australia.
We were brought on board to provide claims management support, review of claims, and preparation of detailed claim submissions, as well as advising on disputes, relating to access, delays, design issues, and variations on the AU$12 billion megaproject.
Lane Cove Tunnel, Sydney, Australia
TSA Riley was appointed Quantum Expert by solicitors for the designer defending claims in NSWSC arising from rectification works required to fix defects discovered in 2014 in the Lane Cove Tunnel (a 3.6 km twin road tunnel).