ProjectRegional Rail Revival Program

The $1.75 billion Regional Rail Revival (RRR) program is upgrading every regional passenger train line in Victoria through a joint initiative of the Australian and Victorian governments.
The TSA Riley team provided constructability and technical support for five projects that are part of the RRR program:
- Avon River Bridge
- Gippsland Line Upgrade
- Warrnambool Line Upgrade
- Murray Basin Rail Project
- Geelong Duplication.
These projects were seeking project funding to support the design, development and tendering process. The team encountered key challenges including environmental and program constraints, interfacing projects, rail occupation availability and issues with labour inefficiencies and availability.
TSA Riley advised RPV on strategies to stage works efficiently to reduce the design and construction effort. We provided RPV with key technical knowledge to identify the cost and risk implications of the works.
Our constructability advice included:
- equipment requirements
- identification of laydown areas
- environmental constraints
- delivery strategy and methodology
- traffic and rail management
- rail occupations
- risk and opportunities.
Our services provided RPV with technical support for funding approvals, tender documentation, reference designs, and a commercial and stakeholder approach, enabling a consolidated planning and development phase.