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ProjectKier Property Developments industrial program

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Kier Property Developments Ltd


Various locations across the UK

Kier Property Developments industrial program

We are working with Kier Property Developments on a number of schemes providing cost consultancy, Employer’s agency and CDM advisory services.

Kingsway, Luton
Extensive ground water remediation and development of 13 Industrial units with mezzanine offices (total circa 123,000ft2), including external works and minor highways works.

Fulcrum, Whiteley
59,000 sq ft of light industrial and warehouse facilities, following extensive ecology requirements including the translocation of greater crested newts.

Walworth Road, Andover (Plot 35)
Extensive demolition, asbestos removal and ground improvement occurred prior to building two logistics city units with mezzanine offices (totalling c. 62,000ft2), including S278 highways works.

Walworth Road, Andover (Plot 73)
Ground improvement, earthworks and redevelopment of a site in Andover for food retail use; encompassing a supermarket, a drive-thru coffee unit and two foot outlets.

Montrose Road, Chelmsford
Demolition of existing car workshop, remediation, construction of nine trade city units with mezzanine offices and external works.

Clivemount Road, Maidenhead
Construction of one logistics and six trade city units (total circa 54,000 sq ft) including demolition and ground improvement and implementation of sustainability measures (photovoltaic cells) to all units.