InsightEOFY Promotions – New Zealand

The first of our EOFY promotions announcements, with promotions across our New Zealand team in both Projects and Advisory. Congratulations to Grant Thorlund, Corrina Gibbons-Hurinui, Angus Newman, Sarah Moore, Sean Dolan and Steve Haultain.
Sean Dolan > Senior Associate – Advisory, Wellington – Sean is recognised as someone who will go the extra mile. He has a strength in understanding outcomes and the ways to achieve them. Sean is skilled at assurance and our clients love to use him as a sounding board for decision making. Sean is able to build in risk statements and process focus into documents when governance is often only interested in delivery. This allows for a well-rounded outcome. With a fresh perspective for any project, Sean challenges the views of the project team to develop a ‘Best for Project’ outcome.
Steve Haultain > Senior Associate – Advisory, Wellington – Steve is well respected by clients and the TSA Advisory team for his problem solving and technical abilities. He has developed excellent client relationships through being professional and responsive while understanding their needs. Well respected as a trusted advisor, Steve’s focus is always on negotiating for a good outcome for all parties.
Corrina Gibbons-Hurinui > Associate – Projects, Auckland – Corrina has been with TSA for over five years. She is known for her infrastructure background, specialising in all things horizontal, but she can turn her hand to any project. Corrina was part of the Downtown Waterfront Upgrade team, highly respected by our clients and those that worked with her. On the back of her skill base and reputation, Corrina recently won a role with KiwiRail and she is working hard to grow that relationship.
Grant Thorlund > Associate – Projects, Auckland – Grant made the big move from South Africa to TSA and was thrown in the deep end in a high-pressure design management role on the Tauranga Crossing Project where he excelled. He is known for his strong delivery skills, for getting things done, while managing numerous stakeholder expectations. He has led the charge on various projects at Auckland Airport and is our New Zealand Retail Sector Lead and Auckland Health and Safety representative.
Angus Newman > Senior Project Manager, Auckland – Angus has a strong skill base in horizontal infrastructure and has been a key team member in the Downtown Waterfront Upgrade team. Known by our clients for his knowledge and attitude to get things done, Angus always delivers ‘Best for Project’.
Sarah Moore > Project Manager, Auckland – Sarah started TSA life as our Keystone Trust sponsored student in 2018 and continued to work for us over her summer break. After joining us full time in 2019, she was awarded ‘Rookie of the Year’ award. Sarah has grown massively as a Project Manager throughout her time at TSA, this promotion is recognition of her excellent delivery skills, being an integral part of the Auckland team and her attitude and drive.