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InsightDGA eBrief August 2023

DGA eBrief August 2023

We are now in the third quarter of our calendar year, and our business has seen a number of development and changes already this year, most recently our partnership with TSA.

Continuing with our policy of seeking to enhance the eBrief with a valuable and informative contribution from a guest author, Inam Hasan from Walker Morris has provided some guidance on the matter of pre-contractual risks and particularly letters of intent (which are ‘here to stay’), in a market where inflation is providing increased uncertainty on cost.

The first of DGA’s contributions is from Gordon Aitken (Director, UK), who has looked at how the construction industry lowers its carbon footprint. This is something that is close to TSA’s heart, who introduced a new business stream at the end of 2022 through their partnership with ‘The Footprint Company’, which manages the world’s largest embodied carbon databases.

In a not unrelated topic, David Fogarty (Associate Director UK) looks at the increasing occurrence of extreme weather conditions and what this means for parties to construction contracts when they experience delays to the progress of the works, which may be related in part to such occurrences, including what published data is available and what actions may be required to support / measure such events in order to ascertain whether it is in fact ‘exceptional’.

Lastly, Simon Edney (Associate Director UK) provides Part 1 of a two-part review of valuing change under the JCT form where quantities have been excluded. In his review Simon looks at how loss and expense crosse over with certain costs which may or may not be applicable to the cost of the change itself, as opposed to the more general valuation of loss and expense.

This edition also serves as a reminder of the extensive training services offered by DGA, on subject matters such as NEC and JCT, as well as the more general subject of Contractual and Commercial Awareness.

Please also watch out for our regional breakfast seminars, which are provided by Scott Milner and serve as a solid thought-provoking start to any construction professional’s day, and that isn’t because of the bacon roll provided!

If you would like to discuss any of the featured topics, the wider DGA training services detailed at the end of the eBrief, or indeed any related matter, please feel free to contact any of our office representatives.

Read the August 2023 eBrief (pdf) here.