InsightAs easy as A to ZEB? Finding the path to zero emission buses on the way to net-zero 2050

Victoria’s 2050 net-zero emission target relies heavily on greening transport, which currently makes up a quarter of the State’s emissions. So why isn’t Victoria – and all of Australia – just rolling out zero emission buses right across the country? Isn’t it just as easy as switching your lawnmower from petrol to electric? We all know the grass will be greener when we hit the target, but it’s not as simple as ‘just a plug-in’.
TSA Advisory’s Senior Associate, Dr David Ashmore, has published his thoughts on this very topic on Monash Lens, co-authored by Parry Serafim and Robbie Napper. David has been devoted to improving public transport and air quality in our cities throughout his working life. His eureka moment was sitting in a rickshaw in Delhi in 1991, thinking to himself, “Someone has to do something about this terrible air!”.
David is a commercial transport strategy and procurement advisor with 28 years’ industry and government experience across Australasia, Europe, Africa, and the Americas. His areas of expertise cover public transport franchising, transport policy and technology transfer. He is passionate about working alongside clients to navigate challenging situations where commercial, technology and political issues interface. With this article, David hopes to bring together all the players to promote dialogue and collectively work toward implementable solutions.