ProjectDigital structural assessment process system for heavy vehicles (HV SAPS)

The Department of Transport (DoT) Victoria wanted to replace its labour-intensive structural assessment process for heavy vehicles (HV) with an automated structural assessment process system (SAPS). The system will act as a single point of access to view, manage and conduct HV structural assessments. The aim for the solution design is automation of the entire structural assessment process for Class 1 and Class 2 Heavy Vehicles. To achieve this, DoT required assistance with solution design, a business case to secure funding, and a procurement strategy for the digital solution.
TSA Riley was initially engaged to write a short form business case for funding. Subsequently we wrote a detailed business case, which included options analyses, modelling, preparation of costings and risks (P90), and development of a benefit management plan. We also provided DoT with a procurement strategy and prepared the EOI.